Specialisation subject - New Bio-Production Systems - Electro-Biotechnology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Holtmann

Requirement Compulsory electice module: No

Vorlesung Dozent WS/SS V + Ü LP
Electrobiotechnology Holtmann WS 2 + 1 6
C1-Biotechnology Neumann WS 2 + 1 6
Biotechnological Use of Renewable Resources Syldatk WS 2 + 0 4
Journal Club - Novel Bioproduction Systems Holtmann SS 2 + 0 4
Industrial Biocatalysis Rudat SS 2 + 0 4
Biosensors Kabay SS  2 + 0 4
Biofilm Systems Hille-Reichel, Wagner SS 2 + 0 4
Biobased Plastics Kindervater et al. WS 2 + 0 4
Commercial Biotechnology Kindervater et al. SS 2 + 0 4
Electrocatalysis Röse SS 3 + 1 6
Electrochemistry Bresser et al. SS 2 + 1 3
Batteries and Fuel Cells Krewer WS 2 + 1 6
Battery and Fuel Cells Systems Weber SS 2 + 0 3
Modelling and Simulation of Electrochemical Systems Weber SS 2 + 0 3



  • Module 1 is compulsory
  • Only one of the two modules Batteries and Fuel Cells or Battery and Fuel Cell Systems may be selected.
  • It is recommended that the module Modeling of Electrochemical Systems is only taken in combination with one of the two modules Batteries and Fuel Cells or Battery and Fuel Cell Systems.

Examination mode:

  • Oral examination of the individual modules, also as a block if desired
  • In the Commercial Biotechnology module, the examination is written if there are a large number of participants.
  • In the Biobased Plastics module, the examination is written if there is a large number of participants
  • In the "Journal Club - New Bioproduction Systems" module, the two oral presentations are assessed; active participation in the seminar is also a prerequisite

Overview of the specialization New Bioproduction Systems/ Electrobiotechnology as download