Practical course - Bioprocess Engineering - BVT

Internship for BIW students , CIW students and biologists.
WS 2024/ 2025

The bioprocess engineering internship (2212165) always takes place in the winter semester. In WS 2024/2025 already from 27.09.2024 to 18.10.2024 .

Please be sure to register for the internship in ILIAS! The registration option is activated, registration deadline is 15.07.2024! The internship will last one week (= 5 days) and will be offered three times in the period from 27.09.2024 to 18.10.2024. When registering in ILIAS, you have the option of specifying your preferred week.

Even if the first internship starts on 27.09.2024, you will find the ILIAS course in WS 2024/2025. Please note the information on the start page!

Registration in CAS is of course also required, but this will only be activated after the group allocation. The registration deadline for binding participation is then 30.07.2024.

The practical course Bioprocess Engineering is carried out by the Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences (BLT) 2 - Electrobiotechnology. Contact person for the practical course is: Dr. Anke Neumann;

Practical course Enzyme Technology - ET - and Reprocessing Technology - MAB

Internship for BIW students , CIW students and biologists.
The practical course Enzyme Technology (ET) and the practical course Processing Technology (MAB) each take place together in the summer semester, the practical course Bioprocess Engineering (BVT) then follows in the winter semester.
SS 2024

In SS 2024, the Enzyme Technology Internship ET (2212160) and the Reprocessing Technology Internship MAB (2214060) will take place from 16.09.2024 to 27.09.2024. There is a joint ILIAS course with a registration deadline 15.07.2024.

The Bioprocess Engineering Internship (2212165) is scheduled to take place from 07.10.2024 to 11.10.2024 further information see below. Please note: The registration in CAS and in ILIAS is separated into Enzyme Technology and Reprocessing Technology in SS and Bioprocess Engineering in WS. Please be sure to register for the internship in ILIAS an CAS! 


The practical course is carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Process Engineering in Life Science 

2 - Electrobiotechnology (EBT) - contact person Dr. Anke Neumann

3 - Microsystems in Bioprocess Engineering (µBVT) - contact person Prof. Alexander Grünberger

4 - Molecular Processing of Bioproducts (MAB) contact person - Annabelle Dietrich.

Practical course microbiology

The internship always takes place in the winter semester. It is usually divided into two one-week internship weeks. Which week you can participate in after registration is decided after the entrance colloquium.
WS 2023/2024:

The Microbiological Internship in WS 2023/2024 was offered twice this winter semester due to the change in the study and examination regulations:

For students from the 3rd semester (SPO 2016): In the period from 19.02.2024 to 01.03.2024. Registration in CAS and the ILIAS course is activated. The registration deadline was January 31st, 2024. Registration takes place via “Join after confirmation!

For students in the 1st semester (SPO 2023): In the period from 04.03.2024 to 22.03.2024registration deadline is February 18th, 2024Registration takes place via Password, which was given in the Lecture Genetics.


Dr. Anke Neumann